First, affidavit why we adopt the blaze over nook:
* Page brace speed
Kindle 2 was alert as fast as nook, Blaze 3 is hardly faster yet. However, I apprehend a accomplished book on the alcove and didn't acquisition page brace to be so apathetic as to be annoying. You get acclimated to it, and automatically advance the addiction of acute the page about-face button a additional afore you allegation it.
* Navigation speed
Here is area the blaze has a huge advantage. Moving the cursor about the awning (e.g. to baddest things) is way, way, way bigger on blaze than nook. If you use the rocker button (on blaze 3, or the joystick on blaze 2), the cursor moves about immediately. In contrast, if you use the "virtual rocker button" on nook's blush blow screen, there's a apparent lag afore the cursor moves. Plus, just to get to the cursor ascendancy on the nook, you accept to about-face on its blush blow awning (which is commonly off if not in use, to save array power). This adds to the lag time.
* Awning contrast
You've apparent Amazon's claims that the Blaze 3 e-ink has 50% bigger contrast. I can acquaint you, it makes a difference, decidedly in low ablaze conditions, if you accept to ache a little to accomplish out the not absolutely as aphotic characters on Blaze 2 and Nook. If lighting is not ideal, it's abundant easier and added affable to apprehend on Blaze 3 and Blaze DX than on Alcove or Blaze 2.
* Array life
The nook's blush LCD blow awning drains its array bound - I could never get added than 5 canicule out of a charge. We got at atomic 7 canicule or added on the Blaze 2, and allegedly the Blaze 3's array lasts hardly best amid accuse than Blaze 2.
* Weight
Nook weighs about 3 ounces added than the new Kindle, and you can absolutely feel the difference. Afterwards a case, Alcove is still ablaze abundant to authority in one duke for continued account sessions afterwards fatigue. But in a case, Alcove is a abundant accoutrement and wears you out afterwards a while. I begin myself demography Alcove out of its case if I was account Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. The new Blaze 3 is so light, even in a case, my wife and I apprehend on our new kindles until absolutely endure endure night, anniversary captivation them in their afire covering case with one duke (we are such an old affiliated couple!).
Reasons some humans adeptness adopt the nook:
* In-store experience
If you allegation advice with your nook, you can yield it to any barnes and blue-blooded and get a absolute animal to help. You can yield your alcove into the coffee boutique area of your bounded B&N abundance and apprehend any book for chargeless for up to one hour per day. If you yield your alcove to B&N, some in-store appropriate deals and the casual chargeless book pop up on your screen.
* User-replaceable battery
After a year or two of abstinent use, the array will alpha to lose its adeptness to authority a charge. Nook's array is user-replaceable and almost inexpensive. To alter Kindle's battery, you accept to abode your Blaze to Amazon. Amazon's chump account told me that they abode you aback a DIFFERENT blaze (though the aforementioned archetypal as yours) with a new array inside. I absolutely don't like this, at all.
* ePub and loaning e-books
Nook uses the ePub format, a broadly acclimated accessible format. Amazon uses a proprietary ebook format. Abounding libraries will "lend" ebooks in the ePub format, which works with alcove but not kindle. Alcove owners can "loan" ebooks they purchased to added alcove owners for up to two weeks. You can't do this with kindle.
* Nook's blush LCD touchscreen
This could be a pro or con, depending on your preferences. It makes alcove hipper and beneath arid than kindle. Some humans adore application the blush LCD to appearance their library or navigate. I did, at first. But afterwards two weeks of use, and comparisons with my wife's kindle, I begin the committed buttons of the blaze easier and far quicker to use than the nook's blush touchscreen. I aswell begin the ablaze ablaze from the blush awning confusing if I was aggravating to apprehend a book or bi-weekly (though if not in use, it shuts off afterwards a minute or so to conserve battery).
A few added notes:
* MP3 player
I've acclimated it on the Blaze 3, and it has beneath appearance than a first-generation ipod drag (no way to baddest a specific clue to hear, let abandoned see the name of the currently arena track).
* Web browser
The browser on Blaze 3 is easier to use than Nook's browser, decidedly if navigating. But neither is absolutely actual good, a lot of humans will apparently use their e-reader's browser alone in a pinch.
* PDF support
Viewing PDFs is bigger on Blaze 3 than on Blaze 2 or nook, but still not that great. You accept to zoom in on allotment of the page and pan about to apprehend the page, which is hardly cumbersome; this is beneath an affair on Blaze DX, because of the DX's abundant bigger display. Cartoon in my PDF abstracts don't usually affectation accurately on Kindle, and sometimes Blaze can't even accessible the PDF book if it has assertive kinds of graphics. I brainstorm the alone advantageous use of Kindle's PDF affinity would be if you're aggravating to apprehend an e-book that comes in PDF format, provided it was pre-formatted for account on a accessory with a 6" display. Of course, you can catechumen abounding PDF abstracts to Kindle's built-in architecture (you do this by adhering the PDF certificate to an email that you forward to a assertive address).
Nook and Blaze anniversary action their own advantages. We like the nook's user-replaceable battery, compatability with ePub format, and in-store experience. But we acerb adopt Blaze 3 because its achievement is far zippier, it's awning is easier to read, and its abate and lighter so it's added carriageable and added adequate to authority in one duke for continued account sessions.
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